Saturday, October 19, 2019

Competitive use of technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Competitive use of technology - Essay Example For attaining these purpose organizations across the globe are bringing innovations by effectively using new technology and enhancing the role of information system (IS) and information technology (IT) (Stair, and Reynolds, 2009). Furthermore these information system and information technologies are being used as a weapon to gain competitive advantage over the rivals (Avlonitis, and Karayanni, 2000). Conventionally businesses used to practice and use IT and IS systems specifically for data processing but things got change as various innovations came forward. With the advent and rapid growth of internet and global economy, the role of IT and IS showed ameliorations, as the concept of economic growth and expansion of businesses around the globe is very much related to effective use of technology with reference to successfully implanting and using IT and IS systems intelligently (Ward, & Peppard, 2002). At present businesses that are effectively using information technology and other co mpetitive technologies are amongst the global leaders in their respective domains. As these businesses have garnered understanding that competitive use of technology is going to create win-win situation for the

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